Teach Your Children Through Storytelling

Teaching children is not an easy task. It’s one of the most important responsibilities you hold as a parent. Reading to your children and using stories to teach is a technique that is within the capabilities of everyone. With storytelling, we open the doors to academic excellence by extending their emotional and behavioral learning.

The following are the reasons why using stories to teach is highly effective.

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Children Don’t Feel Threatened

Rather than focusing on the solutions to problems, children focus on their feelings of anger, hurt, fear etc… that they are experiencing at that moment.

When you read to your child they are able to learn from other peoples situations in a non-threatening way.

Storytelling takes out the blame and places emphasis on the problem. We talk and discuss solutions and speak positively. So instead of a lecture, we now have a healthy discussion.

Teaching through stories allows us to mentally prepare them for situations that may arise. The only difference is that this kind of learning takes place in the safety of your home.

Your child will identify with the characters in the story

Children make connections with the characters of the stories they relate to. Relate the lesson to their own lives and experiences.


Stories Catch Their Attention.

Getting their attention means your child will be able to remember what is taught, access that information, and apply it more readily.

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Maybe this is why children can rattle off dialogs from their favorite shows, movies and songs but can’t remember what mom said about picking up their toys.

Stories are a safe way for children to explore emotions and behaviors.

The best kind of teaching you can employ is to teach our child to be authors of solutions. What a boost it will be to your children to know they can come up with their own solutions.

Reading and sharing stories with your children can help you become a better parent. It opens the channel of communication and strengthens the parent-child bond. The magic of stories can be a powerful influence for good. Does that magic exist in your home? Start teaching your child through storytelling today.

For more information about your child’s development CLICK HERE.

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